Billo and the Short Bus!
Billo's VW Short Bus
Side Pop-Out & Rear Safari Windows
Installed by
Boesch Built Automotive Fabrication
VW Short Bus

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When I bought the Short Bus it had safari windows in the front and 3 out of 4 side windows were pop-outs. The rear window was stock. Thanks to Wolfgang International, we added a 4th side pop-out and a custom safari on the rear.
Now, every window on the bus is either a pop-out, or is "Safari Style".

Passenger Side Pop-Out Window
  Side Pop-Out Windows... Side Pop-Out Windows... Side Pop-Out Windows...  

Rear Safari Window
Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window...   Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window...
Wolfgang International wouldn't paint the frame, so they sent it to Matt for painting...minus the glass.
Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window...
Then Matt sent it back to them for the glass to be installed. You get the idea, huh?
Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window...   Rear Safari Window... Rear Safari Window...
The rest, as they say, is history!

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